Office romance still flourishes because they are convenient sex for the lazy but deadly for your career

- Sex can be had in the office if you are lazy, impulsive, uninspired and unable to understand consequences

While relationships between colleagues have become decidedly more complicated lately, survey data featured in Forbes shows that the office romance is still alive and well. More than half of those surveyed said they'd had a relationship with a coworker, and a majority kept the relationship a secret. Troublingly though, only around 40% even knew their company's policy on workplace relationships. Do you have an office romance story?

Perspectives curated by LinkedIn Editors
I find this interesting because my wife and I met at work...and I can think of at least 10 other married couples I know that did as well. "A survey by CareerBuilder found 41 percent of workers have dated a co-worker; the highest amount in a decade. Some of those relationships, 30 percent, lead to marriage. But the other 70 percent, well, that’s where it gets complicated."
valentinesday love
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Love is in the air, but could that cause problems at the office? Great story from Jared Shelly
The results of Vault's annual Office Romance Survey are here! My brilliant colleague Stephan Maldonado and I worked super hard putting this together and (shameless brag) it got picked up by Forbes. Check it out!

No. Not yet. It’s extremely unprofessional and awkward (in my opinion). Even if someone wants to do it I'll advise to keep it completely outside of office. I may be different but I go to office to put the best work of my life. To do something extra ordinary something which makes the world say WOW. And it requires focus and your full self. To me romance is nothing but a relationship. Relationships also are serious work. You have to nurture them like you grow a plant. I don’t understand how ppl can do both at the same time. At least I can’t.

  • Daniel Devore
  • David Leveille

Work relationship needs to be honest and consider coworkers, leaders also need to know and if it is not OK to do so then a couple or one of them needs to be prepared to leave. If no one is getting “hurt” then sure! My subordinates dated while they were married .... yes to others....there were measures taken but it took months of observation, Gossip, then getting facts that it was happening... if you thinking about dating a coworker weigh your options first. Personally - I’d rather not see anyone dating at work, especially early stages. We need work done and while on the clock it’s about what your work looks like not your back side! 😀

  • Daniel Devore
  • David Leveille

I met my now husband at our first real jobs out of our degrees, we were friends and kept it private for ages. Been together almost 15 years!

  • Daniel Devore
  • David Leveille

Is any office romance worth the potential career risk, and financial liability, should there be any harassment claims in the future?

  • Deborah Dowman

My soon to be husband and I met at work. We were both in positions of leadership but did not report to each other and kept our relationship out of the office. We are now getting married and would have never met had we both not worked at the same location. Work is a great place to meet people and build relationships/friendships that could blossom into something more. There cannot be a power differential but if two consenting adults want to get together, more power to them. It's a shame that companies feel the need to police your heart. I do support sexual harassment policies etc, there should be no inappropriate behavior or unwanted advances. Just make it clear if someone  approaches you and your not interested- thanks but no thank you. If they persist then report it. 

  • Alex Bredikhin, PE
  • Nadeem Amode